Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Dollhouse Miniature Christmas, Trees & Decorations: MiniChristmas.com
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Credit cards lose their stand to PayPal
Friday, December 14, 2007
Polymeri Online - Blogged Me!!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Happy Holidays to All
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
CBS Sunday showAbout Miniatures WONDERFUL!!!
CBS Sunday Morning show on Minatures
I did a search and found it on the internet. Great report! About 6
minutes and worth the time.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Some of my Minis - Check them out!
Some of my miniatures to share
One image of the table with chair is how I have it set up now in my new dollhouse. There are letters in their envelopes with stamps ready to be sent, a show box with a pair of sneakers in there complete with tissue paper, and there is a book, booklet, vase with a single real dried flower, a pair of leather gloves and my favorite fly swatter. I have a Chanukah menorah I was born into the religion but I am a natural witch, however out of respect I have some things like a Dreidel so tiny I could not find it, the menorah and box of candles, there are tiny candles in there but for some reason you can not see them in any of the images I took of it. If your wondering the menorah was made from Shrinky dink material and then seed beads for feet and each tiny candle holder. Ice cream pop, and all foods you see other than the platter which is a miniature metal platter I got from somewhere were made from clay.
Please click on each thumbnail image or links to see the bigger images and
up close version of these tiny things. All are 1:12 scale (1"inch = 1' Foot) miniatures
Hope you like.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Standard Homemade Clay Recipes
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You've probably used a form of one or more of these age-old homemade clays in the past. If you use one, it will save you some money...can't beat that!! Cold Porcelain Clay
2. Cook on low heat, stirring constantly for approximately 10 minutes. If done, dough will come away from the sides of the pot. 3. Remove from heat and allow to cool. 4. Knead until it has a smooth, clay consistency. 5. Seal in a container or seal-top bag and store in a cool, dark place like the refrigerator. 6. Tempera paint powder may be used for coloring the dough. Most users actually paint the modeled item after it has dried.
Salt Clay (Victorian Version)
2. Stir constantly over a low flame heat for about 4 minutes (do not boil). Remove from heat.
4. Add the cornstarch mixture to the heated mixture. If combined ingredients do not make a thick paste, place pan back on low heat and stir for about a minute until dough-like. 5. Place dough on flat surface and knead dough until it is smooth and pliable. 6. Place in an air-tight container in cool dark place like the refrigerator. 7. It may take up to 2 days for a modeled object to dry at room temperature. For quicker results, preheat oven to 350 degrees F, and then turn the oven off. Place the modeled item in the oven, preferably on a wire rack, and leave inside until the oven has cooled off. I wouldn't advise putting the paper gingerbread house core in the oven though. 8. Dried items can be gently sanded with a fine grit sandpaper. Homemade Play-Doh
2. Slowly add the following:
3. To preserve the clay add the following:
4. Continue to mix, then knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic without being sticky. 5. You may color with food coloring. 6. Store in cool dark place in a sealed container. |
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
£1,500 Victorian doll's house for sale in estate agent's window | the Daily Mail
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
Real or Miniature? You be the judge
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Celebrating Our 35th Year With NAME