Friday, November 2, 2007

Real or Miniature? You be the judge

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Daniel McPharlin - Design & Illustration Pocket Synthesizers, Electronic Analog Ensembles, Modular Marimbas to Hexatrons. All Hand-made cardboard models. If I did not see them with my own eyes I would not ever have believed it had anyone ever told me about them. They are truly just amazingly done. These tiny handmade cardboard miniatures of old analog audio equipment by Daniel McPharlin have to be the cutest things I’ve seen in a long time. The fine details of these vintage machines that he has recreated into miniatures exhibit an amazing craftsmanship. According to Dan they are “an interesting experiment to render hi tech objects in a low tech medium such as paper or cardboard.” Check out the rest of Daniel’s miniature on his flickr set.

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